[Node] Run your Linea Node [fast version]

Node Science
3 min readFeb 9, 2024


Welcome to Node Science! Here, you will learn and understand how to set up your node easily and quickly, without any prior technical knowledge.

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Context & Introduction

Linea is a network that scales the experience of Ethereum. Its out-of-the-box compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine enables the deployment of already-existing applications, as well as the creation of new ones that would be too costly on Mainnet. It also enables the community to use those dapps, at a fraction of the cost, and multiples the speed of Mainnet.

VPS configuration

To run a node you’ll need a VPS (Virtual Private Server) and one of the most reliable and cheapest solution is Contabo.

To run a Linea node, you can choose the CLOUD VPS 2 by clicking here. Note that you can opt for a more powerful server (VPS 3 or 4) to run multiple different nodes on it more economically.

Don’t forget to choose a password.

Once payment is complete, you’ll receive an e-mail with your IP address. To access your VPS and utilize its functionalities securely, it is necessary to install the Putty application, which facilitates a protected connection.

Just connect to your VPS with your IP adress.

Procedure for deploying the node !

Make sure you copy (Ctrl+C) — paste (right-click your mouse) the command line into your terminal.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && \
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common screen -y && \
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum && \
sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get install ethereum -y && \
wget https://docs.linea.build/files/genesis.json && \
fallocate -l 100G linea.img && \
mkfs.ext4 linea.img && \
mkdir linea_data && \
sudo mount -o loop linea.img linea_data && \
sudo geth --datadir ./linea_data init ./genesis.json && \
screen -S linea

When you are in your new screensession, type :

sudo geth \
--datadir linea_data \
--networkid 59144 \
--rpc.allow-unprotected-txs \
--txpool.accountqueue 50000 \
--txpool.globalqueue 50000 \
--txpool.globalslots 50000 \
--txpool.pricelimit 1000000 \
--txpool.pricebump 1 \
--txpool.nolocals \
--http --http.addr '' --http.port 8545 --http.corsdomain '*' --http.api 'web3,eth,txpool,net' --http.vhosts='*' \
--ws --ws.addr '' --ws.port 8546 --ws.origins '*' --ws.api 'web3,eth,txpool,net' \
--bootnodes "enode://ca2f06aa93728e2883ff02b0c2076329e475fe667a48035b4f77711ea41a73cf6cb2ff232804c49538ad77794185d83295b57ddd2be79eefc50a9dd5c48bbb2e@,enode://eef91d714494a1ceb6e06e5ce96fe5d7d25d3701b2d2e68c042b33d5fa0e4bf134116e06947b3f40b0f22db08f104504dd2e5c790d8bcbb6bfb1b7f4f85313ec@,enode://cfd472842582c422c7c98b0f2d04c6bf21d1afb2c767f72b032f7ea89c03a7abdaf4855b7cb2dc9ae7509836064ba8d817572cf7421ba106ac87857836fa1d1b@" \
--syncmode full \
--metrics \
--verbosity 3

Congratulations, you’ve just deployed your first node on Linea! Simply press CTRL+A+D to detach from the screen session; your node will keep running. And if you to reattach to the existing screen session, just type screen -r linea.

Feel free to follow us on Twitter to stay updated on everything related to nodes and join our Discord for further discussion or any questions with our community!




Node Science
Node Science

Written by Node Science

Learn how to easily set up your node with Node Science ! https://discord.gg/XCWThSXzZp

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